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Monday, November 16, 2009

SEO mindset E-book,

The premier provider of robust e-commerce platforms and services, today announces the findings from a six month year-over-year organic search engine revenue comparison for 2009 vs. 2008. The results:A 72% increase in FREE revenue!Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and content exposure are core to the architecture and page construction of Warp 9’s Internet Commerce System (ICS) customer sites. SEO is both an art and a science. Warp 9’s ICS platform, along with its in-house technical and marketing talent, are helping clients see dramatic results.The Warp 9 ICS open platform architecture allows us to integrate best-of-breed technologies and changes that we feel will give our clients a competitive advantage. It is always a great feeling to watch our clients grow and be more successful knowing that we played a role,” commented Harinder Dhillon, Warp 9’s CEO.Looks like American Express Guide did not understand or was not aware of SEO. In one of its small business guides, OPEN it had mentioned not to waste money on SEO and search engines penalize optimizers. These PDF statements by OPEN clearly demonstrates how illiterate or unaware the authors of the book had been.
OPEN a part of American Express Business Gold Rewards Card program, it releases books and meet-ups in several cities. The book is also called “A practical guide for business growth”. The following is an extract from the book.
Search engines, like Yahoo! and Google, are usually the first place people will look for you. Make it easier for them to find you. Yahoo! and Google offer tools to let them know the site map structure of your Web site.
Also, using clean U.R.L.’s like instead of your,widgets
will increase your chances of getting indexed in a search engine.
Finally, don’t waste money on so-called Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) specialists. Search engines are very quick to penalize sites that try to trick their filtering techniques, and once your site has been put on Google’s blacklist, it will take forever to get off.
This statement has a contradiction to another document hosted by the same OPEn Meetups page which promotes the idea of search engine optimization.
Today’s Internet market needs SEO to survive especially small business companies. Websites which have not done basic optimization are considered bad sites to refer by search engines. This note by American Express Guide can just be ridiculed as a book written by inexperienced editors.
There are many SEO Mindset Reviews and great Marketing websites on SEO Mindset e-book available online. Please be careful as 90% of these are affiliate websites and they earn every time you purchase a book. The better they describe about the book the more money they get. This review is not one of their affiliate programs.
SEO Mindset is the latest popular e-book on SEO in the market. A 128 page e-book has various strategies explained for attaining and staying on to top search engine rankings. The book provides good insights on SEO and SEM for both beginners and experienced individuals.Some of the helpful resources found in SEO Mindset include:
Several links and information on free programs found online and also created by Brad Callen.
Excellent information on how to work on Keyword Research
A 3 page master plan which provides a good tutorial and guide on how a basic optimization is done.
Tips on launching your own site
Though there are a large number of content available, the book is more of a beginners guide and a 2 year old SEO expert would not find all the chapters to be interesting and worth reading.
Brad Callen is a 29 year old Marketing Expert from Indiana and has many software’s, websites and e-books to his credit. The e-book currently costs $45. SEO Mindset is available through various affiliate websites.

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